Class Set-Up:
- Overall environment should be that of a “yoga class with equipment.”
- Lighting may be dimmed but bright enough for safety in movement.
- Set up prior to students’ arrival, with the exception of weights.
- Balance the room. It is easier to train for alignment when the room is aligned.
- Mats & Equipment:
- Space mats evenly.
- Stagger the mats for space during lateral motion and a good view of the mirror.
- Group mats like a “pack” to create connection within the group.
- Arrange props so that each student knows which props are theirs.
- Consider safety when placing the equipment (keeping in mind we sometimes close our eyes).
Teaching Tone:
- Cue the feet consistently to create the sense of being grounded and connected.
- Flowing music, pace and breath create calm.
- Control and alignment create steadiness and confidence.
- Athletic—inspired focus and deep muscle activation create energy and power.
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