Mind Body Train: Class Perspective


We teach low-impact, safe, functional, multilevel workouts. It is logical to assume that we are a friendly workout place for anyone, any size, any age, any ability. BUT…the thing about smart fitness, is that although it is safe and effective, it also exposes people’s weaknesses very quickly. This can drive people away because they think they should be able to do it but can’t, or they realize they had pain they were tolerating, and instead of continuing to come to class to fix it, they are too overwhelmed with the work and they quit. Many people who are less able or more out of shape or less intelligent, for lack of a better adjective, will find more success at a gym where fewer people are #1 paying attention, and #2 doing things more recklessly, so the mindless nature of the workout creates less awareness of someone’s shortcomings. 

There is no fast and easy answer for this beyond “teach and modify well.” But it’s important to be aware of when new students come in so that they return!


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